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Once bitten, twice shy! According to press reports, big mosquitoes have now reached the UK. At home or abroad use a portable Mosinet from the 4ecotips shop.

Slash hundreds of pounds from electricity bills. The Perfect Payrolls oursourcing payroll software monitors your home and massacres your bills. Buy one from the 4ecotips shop.

Toyota Motor Corporation Leads the Bandwagon of Hybrid Car Manufacturers
Demand of the Environment Conscious for Hybrid Vehicles Surpass Supply
30th January 06

4ECOTIPS news 26th January 06

Yellowstone eruption threatens nine-tenths of Earth's inhabitants
Super volcanoes and slumbering giants
23rd January 2006

"Un-natural" disasters underscore need for humanitarian political action
Wetlands destruction, global warming and population growth are to blame

UK energy debate is asking the wrong questions says Greenpeace
Energy saving is far more effective

Designing harmonious homes for the future
Results of the Project:LIFE research initiative

Flood damage to housing and small scale wind power
BRE seminars for the professionals

Academics talk of Armageddon at Edge Debate
Climate change is "spiralling out of control"
23rd January 06

London house of straw uses under floor heating
A model of sustainable living in an urban environment

New generation of electric heating appliances meets UK April changes
Most significant development in electric heating in over a decade.

German expert warns of wind energy's downside
So costly that economic impact is negative

New Zealand may target gas guzzler vehicles
Motorist face six cent per litre fuel increase

4ECOTIPS news 20th January 06

Energy efficiency
17 million UK homes exposed to winter 'gremlins'
Householders avoid even the simplest measures


Friends of the Earth have energy suggestions or UK prime minister
15-point plan for sustainable solutions

Wintry chaos set to strike UK & Europe
Local authorities urged to take note!

Underfloor heating is rapidly becoming the "must have" option
Whole house heating or specific areas

Global warming is death sentence for Earth's wildlife
More than 800 wildlife species in the global warming hit list

Greenest way to build your own house
New step-by-step book is a must

MORI poll finds only half of British accept nuclear option
Renewable and energy efficiency much preferred

UK Greens launch anti nuclear power campaign
Green energy grants are "woefully small"

Energy efficiency

High percentage of UK private homes are inefficient
Improvement body calls for Government incentives

CO2 Stifling India's Ecological and Economical Freedom
India's CO2 emissions increasing at 3% pa

4ECOTIPS news 12th January 06

Australian wetlands face a fight for survival
Global warming may cause dramatic 40% decline in vegetation

Worldwatch highlights the gravest threats and greatest opportunities
24 Nile Rivers necessary to meet future water demand

The "villains" of Kyoto hold inaugural meeting in Sidney
Pact is helping big business expand into Asia

Could the planet's "lungs" could be poisoning us!
Scientists find trees and plants release methane

Sixth Sense weather experts provide worldwide service
UK harsh winter was never going to happen

Electricity suppliers dragging their feet on Fuel Mix Disclosure
Good Energy with 100% renewable is way out in front


Open spaces
Live updating comes to online thematic maps
Drill-down feature enables real-time viewing

WaterAid launches exciting new website
Designed for maximum exposure

Heating from the earth and underfloor heating
A winning formula

China's new-build 'eco-cities' to include British know how
First one to accommodate 50,000 by 2040


Wind powered lighting for Belfast streets
Pilot scheme is a first

4ECOTIPS news 6th January 06

The ultimate gesture to saving the planet
Deep freeze corpse disposal is cheapest

India's wind power commitment is fifth largest in world
Country's gross wind energy potential is 45,000MW

Many EU countries are nearing the point of no return says IPPR
Only UK and Sweden are on Kyoto course

Energy efficiency
UK boilermaker and housebuilder to integrate home energy efficiency
Heavy investment in alternative technologies


First independent chemical water treatment research in domestic heating systems
Quantifiable loss in energy efficiency due to 'dirty systems

UK One Planet rock concert to raise awareness of climate change
January 28 in Cardiff's Millenium Stadium

House types
CAT conference on hemp for sustainable houses
Highlights environmental and economic potential

UK flytippers and vandals caught on hidden camera
Positive identification at up to 100 yards

4ECOTIPS news 22rd December 05

UK government report analyses impact of microgeneration
Technology could help reduce CO2 by 6.5%

Space 'spiders' to build vast solar panels to reflect sun's energy
Rays to be concentrated on an Earth receiving station

UK homeowners set to rack up £14 million in jingle bills
Festive season energy consumption could go into overdrivey

World Watch magazine says "the age of oil will end"
Using more is "irresponsible and reckless"

Sweden takes aim at fossil fuel-free future
Regional common market in alternative fuels

Tackling climate change is great for generating profit
Climate Change Group's report show's positive

Hydrogen fuel cell powered Christmas lights
Another Californian carbon-free first



4ECOTIPS news 15th December 05

Montreal climate conference ends on a high note
Jonathon Porritt says forget Bush administration

60-80% reductions needed in current CO2 emissions
CEPP director expresses pessimism

Rubbish invention saves 1100 tonnes of plastic weekly!
New home efficiency device keeps Britain tidy

Oil deport conflagration releases major CO2 emissions
But no effect on petrol prices

Fuel price campaigner offers petrol discount card online
No fee registration for possible 5 - 10p savings per litre

Deforestation adds 2°C surface temperature across Amazon
Weakening circulation driving tropical and subtropical climate.

Hawaii declared America's first tsunami-ready state
NOAA praise for new emergency plans

Energy efficiency
Devon village home shows the way forward
Energy efficiency is key ingredient


last updated 23rd March 2005
by 4ecotips.com

Continuing the Energy Saving Trust’s ‘greener lifestyle’ programme it points out several important things you should know.

Uninsulated cavity walls account for up to 33 per cent of the heat lost in your home so insulating them is one of the most effective ways to save energy in the home. Filling cavity walls could save around one tonne of CO2 and up to £100 every year. Grants are available through EST to help with the costs. Log onto www.est.org.uk for more information or call 0845 727 7200.

The next time you replace your kitchen appliances, look out for the Energy Efficiency Recommended (EER) logo (an orange and blue label) as an EER appliance uses less energy and will cost you less to run than ordinary appliances. An EER fridge-freezer for example, could save you 230 kg of CO2 and £35 a year. If we upgraded the UK's cold appliances to energy-saving ones, we would save 6 million tonnes of CO2 each year - enough to fill over 35 million double-decker buses! We would also save over £950 million worth of energy annually.

Natural cleaning products can be used on the filthiest of homes. White wine vinegar can bring sparkle to windows, lemon juice and warm water is a great alternative to bleach and baking soda can remove stains from carpets as well as dissolve dirt and grease. Alternatively, opt for phosphate free products that do not upset the balance of the natural systems in rivers and lakes.

Here are a few more suggestions from the Energy Saving Trust’s Low carbon lifestyle plan. Here

Next time you see litter strewn around spare a thought for the length of time various items take to “de-materialise.”
Now here

Hot tips for a cooler climate. Individual ways to do your bit!
New ecofacts have moved here

Global Warming, energy efficiency, carbon dioxide emmisions, ecojobs .......

Rising temperatures worldwide are melting the polar ice caps causing sea levels to rise, whilst water shortages and poor soil conditions are becoming a worrying fact of life around our tiny world.

This is global warming and it’s here to stay. It could spell climate change on a devastating scale unless we take drastic steps to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and conserve energy. Our planet’s vital resources are being drained so quickly that we need immediate action to stem the tide.

Each one of us must play our part to save the planet and create a compatible environment. We must be far more eco-friendly and conserve resources by far greater energy efficiency and reducing pollution. We can make a difference by embracing new eco-technologies and eco-products and learning more about global warming issues.

Science and education have key roles to play in equipping us for the future and creating the essential eco-jobs and skills we need to adapt our lifestyles to meet the eco-challenge.


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